Interested in speaking at the Breakthroughs in Tunneling Short Course? Here are topics we are looking to cover. Please contact Levent Ozdemir if interested in becoming a speaker.
- Geotechnical Risk and Investigations
- Geotechnical Data and Baseline Reports
- Project Planning, Design and Execution
- Contracting and Project Delivery Options
- Project Risk Assessment and Mitigation
- NATM/SEM Design and Construction
- Hard Rock TBMs and Future Trends
- Slurry and EPB Shield TBMs and Applications
- Hybrid, Multi-Mode and Crossover TBMs
- TBM Interventions and Guidelines
- Ground Conditioning for Soft Ground TBMs
- TBM Design for Difficult Ground Excavation
- Pre-excavation Probing and Grouting
- Segmental Liner Design and Construction
- Segment Backfill Grouting Techniques
- Ground Dewatering and Freezing
- Tunnel Grouting Techniques and Applications
- Design and Construction Challenges for Large Tunnels
- Tunnel Instrumentation and Settlement Control
- Tunnel Process Control and Data Management
- Shaft and Portal Design and Construction
- Tunnel Construction Management
- Case Histories of Challenging Tunneling Projects
- DRBs, Claims and Disputes Resolution